Syuichi Yamako

NFK’s strengths: The expertise to rapidly deliver high-quality products, backed by high technical skill and teamwork

Syuichi Yamako

Continual study and routine communication are vital requirements for meeting a wide range of client needs.

I had a technical job in welding before I started at NFK, so I initially joined the company in a technical capacity due to this previous experience. After about a year of technical study, I was transferred to my current position in sales. The technical knowledge I initially acquired is still very helpful to me in my sales role. But my start in sales consisted of office work on estimates and answering phone calls as a way of acquiring more product knowledge.

NFK deals in products designed for use by a wide range of industries in areas such as office buildings, apartment buildings, homes, factories and shipping. It takes a wide range of product knowledge to identify and satisfy the needs of the clients who represent this wide range of areas. So a thirst for knowledge is an important requirement for the job, and I personally feel I still have a lot I need to learn.

Teamwork spanning multiple departments is the key to rapid delivery.

To smoothly plan, manufacture and deliver products satisfying many different client needs and demands, NFK departments always work together as a team. Process statuses and information are shared in detail among sales departments, technical departments, manufacturing departments and management departments in charge of quality assurance. Actively maintaining communication enables immediate responses to accidents and problems, while maintaining quality and meeting delivery schedules.

So employees from different departments make an effort to stay in close contact with each other. As well as routinely sharing everyday work issues with each other, they often meet for lunch or dinner, and go to company day events held every few years for employees and their families. NFK is proud of the friendly, open atmosphere that has been created among employees.

Relentless, determined efforts to meet client demands while providing rapid delivery

NFK’s greatest strength as a manufacturer is rapid delivery—our ability to meet difficult demands from our clients. We have the expertise to rapidly meet the needs of our clients while conforming to detailed specifications in areas such as material combinations and sizes. Our strengths come from a high degree of technical ability combined with the flexibility to provide rapid responses and a considerable degree of accommodation. Our sales growth has always been fueled by our ability to meet continual demands for rapid delivery while focusing on flexibility, work efficiency and quality. It’s always satisfying and rewarding when clients recognize these strengths enough to trust us with a large order.

Proactive and ongoing skill improvement and professional growth only possible in a corporate culture that actively embraces good ideas

Sales staffers start out doing office work such as taking phone calls from clients. Their true start in existing channel sales comes once they have acquired product knowledge and accompanied senior sales staff on sales visits. We also have a corporate culture that embraces the creativity of new technical staff members willing to apply themselves. Once new staffers have mastered product knowledge and design expertise, any worthwhile ideas they have are welcomed and put to use.

NFK’s workplace atmosphere actively embraces original ideas and opinions. Employees who are enthusiastic about their job should be able to enjoy the satisfaction of seeing their ideas come to life in helping shape the modern world. We welcome new employees who are eager to use their creativity to better the world while developing their professional skills. I am personally looking forward to working and growing together with these employees.


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